School Supplies 2023-2024

Please bring to class by August 21, 2023

1- or 2- inch binder to keep notes/handouts/worksheets organized
Notebook paper
Graph paper
Ruler (straightedge)
Pens-any color
Highlighter-any color

I have a class set of TI-84 calculators that DO NOT leave my room. There are apps that can be put on your phone if you need a calculator at home. can be used on your chromebook and there is also a free app for your phone.

Here is a link describing some of the calculator apps for an i-phone. I am not endorsing any certain one. I’m just making this available. However, I have the GrafNCalc83 and Calculate84 on my phone since they emulate the TI84 calculator that is in my room.

Here is a link describing some of the calculator apps for an android phone. I am not endorsing any certain one. I’m just making this available.